Designing for People: Health & Wellbeing
Designing for People: Health & Wellbeing
The time has come to elevate human health and comfort to the forefront of building practices and reinvent buildings that are not only better for the planet—but also for people. This presentation will introduce how to do this using the WELL Building Standard as the framework which is a relatively new to the market building certification tool that benchmarks best practices for topics of health and well-being in the built environment and corporate operations. It will provide an overview on the financial, societal, and environmental benefits of employing this ideology, how the tool works, and the related certification process. Following modules will further explore the concepts, health impacts and interventions.Â
Learning Objectives
1. Understand the basic concepts of WELL
2. Describe the key components of the WELL Building Standard
3. Discuss the benefits of employing the WELL ideology
4. Identify how the tool works and the related certification process.
Course: GE911
Cost: Free