Ecolabels in Africa: Informing Choice
Ecolabels in Africa
Third-party certifiers of products and materials, such as an ecolabel, cover a variety of issues from the specific, such as sustainable forestry, to the whole-of-life cycle. But are these designations useful? With the variety of environmental labels in the market it can be confusing and difficult to know what they mean or whom to trust. When understood, ecolabels could have a remarkable impact on the market and make it easier for responsible products to get specified for projects.
In this webinar we are bringing together three speakers, Michelle will provide an introduction and overview of EcoLabels available globally and locally. Lizette will present her experience with introducing GreenTag into the South African market and some examples of products that have been certified. And industry guests will give a perspective from the product manufacturing side and how ecolabels help them to market their products.
Guest presentations:
Understanding EcoLabels
Michelle Ludwig – Sustainable Building Consultant – LDC Consulting
Experience with Ecolabeling in South Africa – Barriers and Opportunities, Challenges and Lessons Learned
Lizette Swanevelder – EcoSpecifier Green Product Certification
Ecolabels from an Industry Perspective
Neil McCleland, Director of AerTec
Course No: GEW01
Cost: Free